Season 1 Episode 6: “WC Shofner: Choctaw Fighter Pilot, Family Man”

He left Wayne, Oklahoma a Choctaw farm boy and returned a fighter pilot hero. There was an air of strength and confidence about him, and he was highly respected by his community. Even generations later, people still remember “Shof” and his good reputation. (They also know him as the man who flew a plane down Main Street in Wayne, Oklahoma.)

This episode of Native ChocTalk is very personal to me and I'm proud to share it with you. I sat down with my aunties and uncles (Annette, Sandra, Bill and Mark) to talk about my grandpa – my Papa Shof – the man who set a precedence for the family, teaching us by example how to work hard and to act with good character, dignity and strength.

I hope you will enjoy this rather “raw” discussion among us (there was no editing done) and please bear with us as certain moments were a little tough to get through.

I miss my imafo (grandpa), but my family and I are determined to honor him with this podcast and to carry on the legacy he worked so hard to build.

From our family to yours, we hope you will enjoy Season 1, Episode 6, “WC Shofner: Choctaw Fighter Pilot, Family Man”.

Yakoke and enjoy!





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