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Season 7, Episode 8, Part 4 This Veteran and His Ancestral Legacy: Jackson Weaver, Choctaw
Part 3
In today’s episode, we proudly celebrate Veteran’s Day and honor our men and women who have bravely served our country!
My guest, Jackson Weaver, a citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and a Service-Connected Disabled Veteran, shares about his family’s legacy of dedicated servicemen, such as Jackson’s grandpa known as “Chief” to all who knew him and the interesting stories of when he was in US Army Air Corp (now Air Force), Roosevelt’s Rough Riders and much more. These are stories you won’t want to miss!
Jackson also discusses his experience as the owner of WorldWide Medical Staffing, a healthcare staffing company, serving federal, private and Native American hospitals across the US. And we’ll discuss information for Native Americans seeking a career in the medical field, resume building, and more.
If you’re looking to staff a medical job or are looking for a medical job yourself, check out www.wwmedical.com!
Jackson’s grandpa, Jack O. Weaver Jr.’s story is included, along with other Choctaw stories in Memory Keepers by Choctaw Author, Judy Allen - get your copy here! https://www.choctawnation.com/biskinik/people-you-know/memory-keepers-now-available-at-cno-headquarters-gift-shop/
To those who have served our country, we thank you!
In loving memory of Jack O. Weaver, Jr., PFC Mykel F. Miller and all the men and women who lost their lives serving our great country.
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