Welcome to Native ChocTalk

Season 8

Season 8, Episode 1: Together We’re More, with Sara Seals

“To the Choctaw proud, ours is the sovereign nation offering opportunities for growth and prosperity.” This is the stated mission of my tribe, the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. 

For the Choctaw, creating opportunities isn’t just about supporting our own people—it’s about uplifting the surrounding communities as well.

Sara Seals, Director of Marketing at Choctaw Nation, shares the tribe’s mission to capture and share the stories of our tribal members and the impactful work of the ongoing campaign, “Together We’re More.”

I was honored to be featured in this campaign, sharing my passion for preserving Native American stories. One of the key inspirations behind my work is the life and legacy of my great-grandmother, Ella.

In this episode, we dive deeper into the meaning behind “Together We’re More”—a message that extends beyond the Choctaw Nation. It reflects the power of collaboration between Choctaws and non-Natives alike. This vision comes to life every day through our tribe’s commitment to strengthening communities—investing in infrastructure, roads, education, clean water, and more.

No matter your background—Choctaw, Native, or neither—we can all embrace the idea that together, we’re stronger. Together, we’re more.

Yakoke, Sara!

See and hear the stories of my fellow Choctaws at https://togetherweremore.com/ 

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