S2, Ep2 “Chief Mushulatubbee and the Traditional vs Progressive Struggle: Steven Hunter Oklatubee, Choctaw”

Buckle up, y’all. Because today you’re going to study with me about a time in history when the entire future of our Indigeneous people had come to a crossroads that depended upon crucial decisions. Would each tribe fight for the right to stay in the land of their ancestors? Or would they succumb to the pressures of colonization and the removal to the new, unknown lands of Indian Territory.

These decisions, which could mean life or death for many or all, were the burden of every Chief.

No one personifies this pivotal moment more than the man some described as, the “Last great chief of the Choctaw.” His name was Mushulatubbee. And my guest, Dr. Steven Hunter Oklatubee, is the fifth great grandson of this great “Minco” (or “Chief”, in Choctaw). Steven presents his extensive research and his paper about this Minco, who was tasked with balancing the elements of an ever-changing world that would change the tribe’s way of life forever.

What would become of his tribe’s traditional ways – those of their ancestors who were born of Nanih Waiya (meaning “leaning hill”, which many Choctaw believed was from which their people were born)? Or, if they adopted this new progressive way of life, endorsed by the newest generations of the tribes, would they face the destruction of their centuries old culture and traditions? There is much to be uncovered here.

Steven and I couple this intense topic, however with some much needed relief, discussing Steven’s goats (yes, goats) and well, my lack of being able to pronounce a few tongue-twisting words. It was a long day, y’all so this one was chalked full of bloopers that I edited out, but I may reveal someday in the future.

Chief Mushulatubbee is someone you need to know – and despite our bloopers, you’ll appreciate Steven’s great work to understand and preserve the life and trials of this leader who deserves to have his story told. And perhaps a new appreciation will be born for the hundreds of Mincos who suffered under the tremendous burden of decisions during these times.

May they never be forgotten…

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