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Season 3, Episode 4: “Dr. Art Martinez (Chumesh Tribe) on American Indian Generational Trauma and Healing and Hope for Our Communities.” (2)
I recently caught up with Dr. Art Martinez from the Chumesh Tribe while he was at the Washoe Tribal Concessions at the beautiful Meeks Bay at Lake Tahoe. Dr. Martinez is a Trauma Specialist, and Clinical Psychologist. He’s also the Co-Director for the Center for Native Child and Family Resilience and more.
(If you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, thoughts of suicide or trauma, please see important resources below.)
Dr. Martinez has spent his career promoting the healing of historical trauma within our American Indian communities. In this episode, he shares examples of historical trauma as it pertains to those who were forced to flee their lands to save their people, the boarding schools and ongoing family trauma, the missing and murdered and their families, and drugs, alcohol, domestic violence and violence on the reservations and elsewhere.
Dr. Martinez is proud to work with Native Dads Network (“NDN”) to help build a stronger community for Native children who don’t have father figures. He also is involved in “Boys with Braids” to promote healing and strength, as well as several other valuable organizations.
In this episode you’ll also learn about:
• What trauma actually entails
• Why some American Indians don’t support each other
• What to do when you observe someone being abused
• White Bison, Inc., Native Wellness Institute, My Two Aunties - all agencies that are part of the solution for healing
• A form of historical trauma that Dr. Martinez himself has faced
• Suicide rates among American Indians
The following resources are available for those struggling with thoughts of suicide, domestic abuse, sexual violence and more:
• Center for Native Child and Family Resilience: https://cncfr.jbsinternational.com/
• Capacity Building Center for Tribes https://capacity.childwelfare.gov/tribes
• “StrongHearts Native Helpline is a 24/7 domestic, dating and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans and Alaska Natives, available by calling or texting 1-844-762-8483 or clicking on the chat icon on Strongheartshelpline.org.”
• National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
• Crisis Text Line (Text to this number: 741741)
For those dealing with trauma or various forms of abuse, please know you are not alone and may Creator protect you and bless you.
Yakoke, Dr. Martinez for helping us to understand this crucial topic and for all you do to help our communities!
Communities for Healing:
• Native Dads Network: https://www.facebook.com/NativeDadsNetwork
• Boys with Braids: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063728225133
• StrongHearts Native Helpline: https://www.facebook.com/strongheartsdv
• White Bison, Inc: https://www.facebook.com/whitebisoninc
• Native Wellness Institute: https://www.facebook.com/NativeWellnessInstitute
Native ChocTalk Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/nativechoctalkpodcast
All Podcast Episodes: https://nativechoctalk.com/podcasts/