Season 4, Episode 11: “Canada’s First Nation Bear Hunter, Brittney (Wasauksing) & husband, Taylor (Haiwatha) Musgrave”

On the beautiful island of Parksville, on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada you’ll find yourself surrounded by breathtaking sandy beaches and the magnificent Insular Mountains.

You’ll also find a fierce bear hunter named Naukwe (Noon Day Woman), who I know as Brittney Musgrave. But Brittney, who is Wasauksing, Ojibway and Cree, doesn’t hunt for sport. She, like her ancestors before her, utilizes many parts of the bear for good use, including making bear grease into a healing treatment for herself and others.

You’ll hear from Brittney and her husband, Taylor (Haiwatha First Nation) about:

  • The benefits of bear grease (including healing for skin rashes, promoting hair growth and more)
  • Okwarì;Kowà* Supplies which offers bear grease, cedar, sweetgrass and more
  • Brittney’s black bear hunts with a compound bow in Ontario (their treaty area)
  • Was Brittney actually charged by a bear once? You’ll just have to listen to find out!
  • How one transports a bear back to their vehicle – one of the answers may surprise you

*Okwarì;Kowà is pronounced “ah-gwari-gowa” and means “big bear”

Yakoke, Brittney and Taylor for sharing about your adventurous world there in Canada and the good healing agents you’re making for others!

Check out Okwarì;Kowà Supplies here:

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