Welcome to Native ChocTalk

Season 3

Season 3, Episode 4: “Dr. Art Martinez (Chumesh Tribe) on American Indian Generational Trauma and Healing and Hope for Our Communities.” (2)

I recently caught up with Dr. Art Martinez from the Chumesh Tribe while he was at the Washoe Tribal Concessions at the beautiful Meeks Bay at Lake Tahoe. Dr. Martinez is a Trauma Specialist, and Clinical Psychologist. He’s also the Co-Director for the Center for Native Child and Family Resilience and more.

(If you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, thoughts of suicide or trauma, please see important resources below.)

Dr. Martinez has spent his career promoting the healing of historical trauma within our American Indian communities. In this episode, he shares examples of historical trauma as it pertains to those who were forced to flee their lands to save their people, the boarding schools and ongoing family trauma, the missing and murdered and their families, and drugs, alcohol, domestic violence and violence on the reservations and elsewhere.

Dr. Martinez is proud to work with Native Dads Network (“NDN”) to help build a stronger community for Native children who don’t have father figures. He also is involved in “Boys with Braids” to promote healing and strength, as well as several other valuable organizations.

In this episode you’ll also learn about:
• What trauma actually entails
• Why some American Indians don’t support each other
• What to do when you observe someone being abused
• White Bison, Inc., Native Wellness Institute, My Two Aunties - all agencies that are part of the solution for healing
• A form of historical trauma that Dr. Martinez himself has faced
• Suicide rates among American Indians

The following resources are available for those struggling with thoughts of suicide, domestic abuse, sexual violence and more:
• Center for Native Child and Family Resilience: https://cncfr.jbsinternational.com/
• Capacity Building Center for Tribes https://capacity.childwelfare.gov/tribes
• “StrongHearts Native Helpline is a 24/7 domestic, dating and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans and Alaska Natives, available by calling or texting 1-844-762-8483 or clicking on the chat icon on Strongheartshelpline.org.”
• National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
• Crisis Text Line (Text to this number: 741741)

For those dealing with trauma or various forms of abuse, please know you are not alone and may Creator protect you and bless you.

Yakoke, Dr. Martinez for helping us to understand this crucial topic and for all you do to help our communities!

Communities for Healing:
• Native Dads Network: https://www.facebook.com/NativeDadsNetwork
• Boys with Braids: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063728225133
• StrongHearts Native Helpline: https://www.facebook.com/strongheartsdv
• White Bison, Inc: https://www.facebook.com/whitebisoninc
• Native Wellness Institute: https://www.facebook.com/NativeWellnessInstitute

Native ChocTalk Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/nativechoctalkpodcast
All Podcast Episodes: https://nativechoctalk.com/podcasts/

Season 3, Episode 3: "Heroes of WWI: Nuchi Nashoba (Choctaw) and Judy Allen (Choctaw) on Our Choctaw Code Talkers"

They were forbidden to practice their culture and to speak in their Native tongue. And yet, in World War I, that very language would surprise the Germans and ultimately contribute to victory!

Many know of the Navajo Code Talkers, but what most don’t realize is that in World War I, it was the Choctaw who were the first to begin the method of Code Talking.

And yet, they were sworn to secrecy. Most of them would pass on before the world knew of their heroism. But these heroes weren’t looking for glory. They served their country with honor, then came back to Oklahoma, back to their simple lives of fishing and hunting.

A Colonel Morrissey once stated, “We found that the Germans knew absolutely nothing about our preparations and were taken completely by surprise. This was the first time that we surprised the Germans during our stay in the lines, and I attribute it in many respects to the fact that the Choctaw language was used in making preparations for this attack.”

I come to you today from the beautiful First Americans Museum (FAM) in Oklahoma City to talk about our Code Talkers with my Choctaw guests, Nuchi Nashoba (President of the Choctaw Code Talkers Association) and Judy Allen (Historic Projects Officer at Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)!

These ladies are incredibly humble, so they won’t tell you (but I will) that they were highly instrumental in ensuring these and other Code Talkers were granted the recognition they deserved with medals and a ceremony in DC, their families standing in their place to accept that recognition on their behalf.

I think you’ll enjoy this fascinating information on our great Choctaw Code Talker heroes. Yakoke, Nuchi and Judy!


More information:

Find the books, “Memory Keepers”, “Joseph Oklahombi & the Panther War Cry”, “Toby and the Secret Code” and “Ben and the Missing Pony” at the tribal headquarters Choctaw Store in Durant or call 580.924.8280 for more information.

I also highly recommend Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer’s book, Anumpa Warrior: Choctaw Code Talkers of World War I – it’s excellent! https://www.sarahelisabethwrites.com/code-talkers

Check out the Choctaw Code Talkers Association on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/choctawcodetalkers/

Calling all Choctaw Veterans! Judy is working on a Choctaw Veterans book so if you’d like to take part in that project, please contact her at: judy.allen@choctawnation.com.

Donations to the Choctaw Code Talkers Association can be sent to: Treasurer, Carole Ayers at 8692 Homestead Road, Kingston OK 73439.

Thanks again to First Americans Museum for hosting us! This museum serves “as a dynamic center promoting awareness and educating the broader public about the unique cultures, diversity, history, contributions, and resilience of the 39 Tribal Nations in Oklahoma today.” https://famok.org/


Native ChocTalk Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/nativechoctalkpodcast
All Podcast Episodes: https://nativechoctalk.com/podcasts/

Season 3, Episode 2 “Say Her Name: Karissa Hodge (Choctaw & Caddo) on Our Missing Murdered Indigenous Women–Chahta”

Native ChocTalk Presents: S3, E2 “Say Her Name: Karissa Hodge (Choctaw & Caddo) on Our Missing Murdered Indigenous Women–Chahta”

A word of warning about today’s content – I’ll be speaking with Karissa Hodge, President and Founder of Missing Murdered Indigenous Women-Chahta. Although you’ll hear stories that are disturbing, they’re necessary to be told, in hopes that the missing may be found, and so the missing and murdered are never forgotten.

If you or someone you know is in a dangerous situation, please call the domestic violence hotline, at 1-800-799-7233 or visit thehotline.org.

You’ll also hear about Karissa’s own journey, as she has utilized her story as motivation to help others. I don’t take lightly the fact that Karissa is willing to share. Those who bravely come forward can sometimes face criticism from their family, friends and even their tribe. Yakoke, Karissa. We support you and your determination to help others!

Announcement: Karissa and others will be filmed in a Netflix documentary that should air December of 2022 so be sure to catch that when it releases!

MMIW-Chahta Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/NotInvisibleMMIWChahta

Karissa would like to give a shout out to these great supporters of MMIW-Chahta – yakoke, y’all!
Rebecca Abshire: Starbucks area representative
Board Members:
• Tasha Mitchell (Director of Choctaw outreach project, Empower), Choctaw
• DeeAnn Goodwin (Program Manager for Outreach), Choctaw
• Jessie Roberts (Behavioral Health Manager), Choctaw
• Danielle Bishop (owns Native Blankets and More), Witchita
• Sarah Hackney (Payroll Specialist), Choctaw

Native ChocTalk Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/nativechoctalkpodcast
All Podcast Episodes: https://nativechoctalk.com/podcasts/

Season 3, Episode 1: “The History of the Issuba Ominili Tvshka (Choctaw Lighthorsemen) with Ryan Spring and Nick Wallace (Choctaws)”

Native ChocTalk presents: Season 3, Episode 1: “The History of the Issuba Ominili Tvshka (Choctaw Lighthorsemen) with Ryan Spring and Nick Wallace (Choctaws)”    

It was the 1800s and the days of the old wild west. As more settlers inhabited our Choctaw peoples’ lands in Mississippi and later Indian Territory, laws had to be put in place to attempt to tame the incoming unknowns. But who would enforce these rules on Native lands?

Every story needs a hero, and in today’s episode, you’ll hear about our brave Choctaw heroes who rode through the pine wood forests of Mississippi, and later the rolling mountains of southeastern Indian Territory, protecting and serving their Choctaw communities. They were the Issuba Ominili Tvshka – the Choctaw Lighthorsemen - and they WERE the law of our Indian lands during those wild west years.  

Many thanks to my award-winning guests, Historians Ryan Spring from Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and Tribal Policeman, Nick Wallace who delve into the worlds and history of these warriors on horses!

You’ll also get to hear excerpts from Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer’s book, “Traitors” from her Choctaw Tribune Series, Book 2 – thank you, Sarah.

Join us, as we honor and learn about these courageous Lighthorsemen and about some fascinating stories of the old wild west!


Native ChocTalk Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/nativechoctalkpodcast

All Podcast Episodes: https://nativechoctalk.com/podcasts/

Native ChocTalk
Native ChocTalk is an informative and educational podcast and resource center.


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